The Fine Print...

Budget Choices 2.0 went live December 6, 2023 and the information is based on the approved Fiscal Year 2024 budget. Since going live, the Revenue Department released its new forecast that shows $228 million less revenue in the current year, which just about zeroes out the $292 million surplus that was projected in April. What this all means is that the choices and trade-offs between the dividend, program spending, and other revenue remains the same.

This project focuses on general purpose revenue (unrestricted general funds or UGF), which is available to fund any public purpose. Other revenue, such as Federal funds and user/program fees (designated general funds or DGF), are not included in this discussion. Federal funds are mostly driven by formulas/specific purposes set by Congress. Program and user fees are designated for specific programs.

The spending options listed primarily are the bigger ticket programs in the operating budget. These expenses recur each year. There are other areas of spending that weren't included (such as the capital budget, retirement system contributions, and other smaller programs).

Revenue options focus on those that would be recurring versus spending down one-time revenue and reserves. You have the option to provide other suggestions for spending or revenue in the "other" box at the end of the choices.

The confidential responses will be collated and reported to the Governor and Legislature. To that end, we are requiring participants to provide their zip code so we can regionalize the responses by legislative district.

For More Budget Information . . .


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